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A little taste

Here you can see a small selection and a small taste of some dishes. The dishes and menus are regularly updated and replaced. You as the host / hostess can also tailor your own submitted menu or receive menu suggestions. In addition to focusing on gourmet and party food, it is also possible to get gluten-free, lactose-free dishes and food without nuts.

Small and light

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Smoked Norwegian salmon with roquefort and beets. Suitable as an appetizer.

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Oysters with pomegranate, shallots and wine vinegar. Suitable as an appetizer.

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Tomato and mozzarella with tapenade and balsamic vinegar. Suitable as an appetizer or small dish.

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Serving nachos with meat, onion, jalapeno and cheese. Salsa sauce and guacamole are served on the side. Also available in salmon or chicken. Suitable as an appetizer or snack.


Airy lobster bisque with lobster. Available lactose free. Suitable as an appetizer.


Creamy cauliflower soup with bacon, cream, parmesan, truffle oil and chives. Available lactose free. Suitable as an appetizer or small dish.


Lightly fried scallops with crispy chorizo and cauliflower puree. Suitable as an appetizer.


Cured salad with various cheeses, onions and fruits. Suitable as an appetizer or small dish.


Lightly fried scallops with bacon, raisins and lemon sauce. Suitable as an appetizer.


Flower chocolate:

3 etasjes sjokoladekake dekorert med ren sjokolade og blomster. Kan fås i 3-5 lags.

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Classic square:

Klassisk firkantet kake. Kan fås med og uten fyll som enten vaniljekake eller sjokoladekake.

Relaxingly full


Tenderloin with spring onions, tomatoes and cauliflower puree. Suitable as a main course or part of a 3-5 course menu

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Tagliatelle pasta with ham, cheese sauce, truffle oil, parmesan and asparagus. Suitable as a main course or part of a 3-5 course menu

Sashimi salad with salmon, mango, chili and mango dressing. Suitable as a main course or part of a 3-5 course menu

Personlige tema kaker


Cheese souffle with feta, tomato and onion salad. Suitable as a light main course or part of a 3-5 course menu


Lego minecraft kake (klikk på bildet for film)

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Vulkanøy og fjellklatrekake m/røykeffekter (Klikk på bildet for film)


Mustard-baked lamb carte with tomatoes, chanterelles, red onion, cauliflower stew and dark mustard sauce. Suitable as a main course or part of a 3-5 course menu


Traditional lamb carte with baked vegetables and truffle cauliflower. Suitable as a main course or part of a 3-5 course menu


Fried salmon with sour cream and shriracha, on a bed of pasta and sour broccoli salad and almonds. (Nuts can be dropped) Suitable as a main course or part of a 3-5 course menu


Kake med hestemotiv (klikk på bildet for film)

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Japansk manga tegneserie (klikk på bildet for film) 


Strand og naturkake (klikk på bildet for film)

Skal du ha fest, og tenker å ha kaker etter maten? Hva med å velge en personlig kake som forteller noe om deg. Få din personlige kake laget til din bursdag, konfirmasjon, temafest eller annen morsom anledning.

Følg og lik vår youtube kanal, og se oppdaterte videoer av ulike tema kaker for inspirasjon:

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